Monday, February 22, 2010

A little something About Me . . .

       Hello, my name is Nadia and I'm a Stay-At-Home Mommy to a handsome boy & beautiful girl. I've lived my whole life in San Diego, CA and just learned the tricks 'n loops of living frugal. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 yrs. & learning to live on 1 income is something that we had to learn. So far it's been a blessing to us and hope to teach others how to as well. Things I currently love to do are baking, couponing, spending time with my kids, reading, learning to cook new recipes, and any DIY crafts.
      I always loved finding a good baragin but never really looked into using coupons. Not up until Fall of '09. I was watching the Tyra Show and it was about Savings & Freebies! I was surprised on how much money you can save with clipping coupons and actually getting some stuff for FREE! Heather from Freebies 4 Mom was the actual first website I began to look into. I wanted a blog about all my deals n steals that I have come across and share it with family and friends. So get ready to learn how to start saving money and live frugal!


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