Earlier today I was just checking on my twitter and came across a retweet about an Awesome Giveaway! Migdalia from Latina On A Mission is celebrating her 1 yr. anniversary for her blog and is hosting a giveaway for a basket that contains "Pure STYLE Girlfriends" Check it out on [her blog] & enter it!
Good Luck!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VS Pink Exclusive Freebie!
Whoo Hoo!! Victoria Secret "PINK" finally reached there goal. On my -last post- I talked about how they wanted to have 1 million members to their site and once they did they would have this exclusive Freebie for its members as a Thank You. 

So if you are a member hurry and go on over -HERE- and sign in to get your freebie. It is a In-Store Coupon and there printing them out while supplies last.
Oh and since your already heading down to the store, there is another printable coupon for Victoria Secret too. Go on over -HERE- to log in and print your coupon for a $10 V-Neck T-Shirt dress.
Dont forget to Follow & Fan them:
Follow them on Twitter: @VSPink
Friend them at FaceBook: VS Pink
Victoria's Secret Pink
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Updated Kmart Double Coupon Event!!
that they released. I emailed them a couple days ago and since I'm in San Diego, I was confirmed that both KMarts, South Bay area, are participating. The list is very disorganized and for you fellow Californians our state starts after page 26.
Hope your store is participating!! Now we have to wait and see what great deals we can come up with. I will try to keep everyone updated on info. =]
Double Coupon,
San Diego
My Walgreens Trip 3/9
Just came back from Walgreens and like always I feel like I could of done better on my deals. The babies stayed home with Grandma and so it was just my Hunny & I. Usually I plan my transactions in my little pocket book and have my coupons in order. Here is what [my plan] was at first, but things changed last minute.
I couldn't do all 4 transactions so I only stuck with the first 3. And here is what I came home with:
2 Nestle Crunch Choco. $.89 ea.
Total = $21.78
Used Coupons:
-B1G1 Nestle Crunch Bar
-$0.80/2 Nestle Wags In-Ad Q.
-$1/2 Oscar Meyer Q. x3
-$1/1 Oreo Cakesters Q.
-$5 RR
-$5 RR
-$5 RR
Pay = $2.09 + get $5RR from Cookies & Oscar Meyer
Downy Liquid Softener $ 3.99
Taffy candy on the register $0.34
Total = $19.08
Used Coupons:
-B1G1 Nestle Crunch Bar
-$2/1 Sweeper Q
-$5 RR from #1
-$1/1 Downy Q.
-$1/1 Febreze Q.
-$3/1 printable Febreze Q.
-$5 RR
-$0.80/2 Nestle Wags In-Ad Q.
Pay = $1.87 & get $2RR from P&G products.
Transaction #3
2 Nestle Crunch Bar $.89 ea.
2 Coffee-Mate Liquid Creamer $2/$3
J&J No More Tears Spray $4.49
J&J Detangling Shampoo $4.99
J&J Baby Lotion $4.49
J&J Head2Toe Baby Wash $4.49
Used Coupons:
-B1G1 Nestle Crunch Bar
-$1/1 No More Tangles Q.
-$1/1 Any Johnsons Q.
-$0.75 Coffe-Mate Q.
-$0.75 Cofee-Mate Q.
-$2/2 Lotion & Shampoo Q.
-$0.80/2 Nestle In-Ad Walgreens Q.
-$2.25/1 J&J Item 50% off
-$2.25/1 J&J Item 50% off
Pay: $12.77 plus a Catalina for $2.50/3 Johnson's or Desetin Products.
I couldn't do all 4 transactions so I only stuck with the first 3. And here is what I came home with:
(2) Chips Ahoy 15.25 oz. 2/$5
(6) Oscar Meyer Deli Fresh Shaved Meat 9 oz. 2/$5
(6) Nestle Crunch Chocolate Bar 1.55 oz. $.49
(2) Coffee-Mate "French Vanilla" Creamers 16 oz. 2/$3
Swiffer Sweeper WetRefill 12pk $3.99
Downy Liquid Softener $3.99
Febreze Air Effects $2.46
Sense & Spray Starter Kit $5.99
Johnson & Johnsons "No More Tangles" Shampoo 13 oz. $4.49
Johnson & Johnsons "No More Tangles" Spray10 oz. $3.99
Johnson & Johnsons Head-2-Toe Wash 15 oz. $4.49
Johnson & Johnsons Head-2-Toe Wash 15 oz. $4.49
Johnson & Johnsons Baby Lotion 15 oz. $4.49
Usually they have in stock the items I plan on buying so I don't have to think of a Plan B. But this time they didn't have any of the Oreo Cakesters & Johnson & Johnsons Baby Shampoo. So my hunny said we should just get the Johnson & Johnsons Head2Toe Wash instead (same value) and get Chips Ahoy instead of the Oreo Cakesters. At first I was like, NO! I have everything planned out so it's just going to mess everything up! I knew I didn't have a coupon for the cookies so I was like, Nope I'm not going to do it. He finally convinced me for it and in away it worked out better.
Here are my transactions broken down:
Transaction #1
6 Oscar Meyer Deli Fresh Shaved Meat 2/$5
2 Chips Ahoy 2/$5 2 Nestle Crunch Choco. $.89 ea.
Total = $21.78
Used Coupons:
-B1G1 Nestle Crunch Bar
-$0.80/2 Nestle Wags In-Ad Q.
-$1/2 Oscar Meyer Q. x3
-$1/1 Oreo Cakesters Q.
-$5 RR
-$5 RR
-$5 RR
Pay = $2.09 + get $5RR from Cookies & Oscar Meyer
Transaction #2
2 Nestle Crunch Choco. $.89 ea.
Sense & Spray Starter Kit $5.99
Swiffer Sweeper Wet Refill 12 or 16 pk $3.99
Febreze Air Effects $2.46Downy Liquid Softener $ 3.99
Taffy candy on the register $0.34
Total = $19.08
Used Coupons:
-B1G1 Nestle Crunch Bar
-$2/1 Sweeper Q
-$5 RR from #1
-$1/1 Downy Q.
-$1/1 Febreze Q.
-$3/1 printable Febreze Q.
-$5 RR
-$0.80/2 Nestle Wags In-Ad Q.
Pay = $1.87 & get $2RR from P&G products.
***(So far that Transaction has been my favorite one. I practically only paid for tax!!) ***
Transaction #3
2 Nestle Crunch Bar $.89 ea.
2 Coffee-Mate Liquid Creamer $2/$3
J&J No More Tears Spray $4.49
J&J Detangling Shampoo $4.99
J&J Baby Lotion $4.49
J&J Head2Toe Baby Wash $4.49
Used Coupons:
-B1G1 Nestle Crunch Bar
-$1/1 No More Tangles Q.
-$1/1 Any Johnsons Q.
-$0.75 Coffe-Mate Q.
-$0.75 Cofee-Mate Q.
-$2/2 Lotion & Shampoo Q.
-$0.80/2 Nestle In-Ad Walgreens Q.
-$2.25/1 J&J Item 50% off
-$2.25/1 J&J Item 50% off
Pay: $12.77 plus a Catalina for $2.50/3 Johnson's or Desetin Products.
**I should of used the $2RR that I got from trans.#2
but for some reason I forgot about them**
Oh and in all my transactions I got a Coupon for 20% off Payless Shoesource. And that came just in time cause my little ones are outgrowing their shoes pretty fast. =[ There growing up to soon!
Total OOP = $16.73 | Wags Coupon Saving = $2.40 | Wags Advertised Savings = $30.50 |
MFG Coupon Savings = $43.17
Drugstore Deals,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Albertons Preferred Savings Card BONUS
Maria from Oh Lovely Coupons posted a cool tip for Albertsons Loyalty Card Holders. This is something that I havent see before so it's worth the try. Check out her post HERE
Thanks girl for finding this!
Thanks girl for finding this!
Alberton's DOUBLERS!!!!
Update: Just noticed Ms Building Up Da Benjamins posted Awesome scenarios for your coupons & doublers. Check them out HERE
Whoo-Hoo!! Im so excited to let you know that we got Albertson's "Double the Value" coupons in this Sunday's Newspaper!!
I just got my newspaper, San Diego Union Tribune, started to flip through it looking for the coupon inserts and boy was I surprised!!! I saw a Albertson's Ad! I have never cam across one in Southern California before and I've seen in other savings sites from other states that have these awesome deals with double Albertson's coupons. Luckly, I got 4 newspapers this week and later on tonight I'm going to post some deals that I can come up with. Yay!!
Whoo-Hoo!! Im so excited to let you know that we got Albertson's "Double the Value" coupons in this Sunday's Newspaper!!
Here is the details for these coupons if you've never seen them before:
There effective from 3/7/10 - 3/16/10
Have to use your Preferred Savings Card
Only manufacture coupons will be accepted
Total coupon redemption can not price of item
Meaning they probably wont allow you to get the item for Free
Will be doubled up to a $1
Which means if you have a $1 off q. they will double it to $2 off
Grocery Deals
Thursday, March 4, 2010
KMart Double Coupon Event!?
Whoo-Hoo! Im excited to let you all know that Kmart will be hosting a Double Coupon Event! I've read around the other blogs about it and well I decided to send them an email. I'm in So. Cal. and I have 2 KMarts near me. So I will be definetly be going to both with my boyfriend along.
Here is the email that I got back from them showing when and explaining everything for the event:
"Dear Nadia,
Thank you for contacting Kmart regarding the Kmart Double Coupon Event. We appreciate your interest in this promotion. This event is for select participating Kmart locations from 4/4-4/10. All of our CA stores are participating in the current event.
Below are the details of the promotion:
-Manufacturer Coupons up to and including $2 Value – Doubled up to $2 no matter what the retail price of a single item is.-Does not include Kmart Store Coupons-Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons-Limit 5 total coupons per customer per day.
-First 5 coupons provided by customer will be doubled.
Thank you for contacting us and have a nice day.So since there doubling, if you have a $2 off Q. then it will make it $4 off !! Isn't that Awesome! Last year I went to there last Double Event but it's when I first started to coupon so I didn't get as much stuff as I would of wanted. I'm pretty happy with the way things are going w/ the way I'm couponing so I will be planning this out good!
Jennifer W.,
Retail Customer Care
Sears Holdings Corporation
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me:
I would love to hear your suggestions, deals, or any question you may have. And I will try to respond as quikly as possible to them. Thanks again.
Contact Me
Monday, February 22, 2010
A little something About Me . . .
Hello, my name is Nadia and I'm a Stay-At-Home Mommy to a handsome boy & beautiful girl. I've lived my whole life in San Diego, CA and just learned the tricks 'n loops of living frugal. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 yrs. & learning to live on 1 income is something that we had to learn. So far it's been a blessing to us and hope to teach others how to as well. Things I currently love to do are baking, couponing, spending time with my kids, reading, learning to cook new recipes, and any DIY crafts.
I always loved finding a good baragin but never really looked into using coupons. Not up until Fall of '09. I was watching the Tyra Show and it was about Savings & Freebies! I was surprised on how much money you can save with clipping coupons and actually getting some stuff for FREE! Heather from Freebies 4 Mom was the actual first website I began to look into. I wanted a blog about all my deals n steals that I have come across and share it with family and friends. So get ready to learn how to start saving money and live frugal!
I always loved finding a good baragin but never really looked into using coupons. Not up until Fall of '09. I was watching the Tyra Show and it was about Savings & Freebies! I was surprised on how much money you can save with clipping coupons and actually getting some stuff for FREE! Heather from Freebies 4 Mom was the actual first website I began to look into. I wanted a blog about all my deals n steals that I have come across and share it with family and friends. So get ready to learn how to start saving money and live frugal!
About Me
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
VS Pink turns1! FREE Gift!
Victorias Secret Pink Nation is turning 1 pretty soon. There going to celebrate by giving a *HOT* Gift to members only. They want to reach 1 million!
I've been a member for quite awhile now and let me tell you they have some pretty good deals. They send you coupons through the mail and email you with latest updates. So go on now, spread the word and lets reach that million!
Follow them on Twitter: @VSPink
Friend them at FaceBook: VS Pink
Victoria's Secret Pink
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Coupon Binder Giveaway WITH coupons!!
Just entered in this cool giveaway that Coupon Mamacita is hosting
til Feb. 20th 2010
It's for a Coupon Binder AND coupons!
Great for newbie trying to get started.
Go HERE and enter to Win!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Completely FREE Dog Leash at Snapfish!
So I saw this Awesome deal at Hip2Save for a Customize Dog Leash ($19.99 value) at Snapfish for NEW Customers. I personally don't a dog but my nephew does and well she is practically family. So Daisy will be getting a cute Valentine's Day present. =]
First go here to register and if you are already an account make another one with a different email.
Search for "Leash" and add to cart.
Then where it ask if you have a Promo Code type: PRESDAY
This should be your Total =
Don't try to pay with Paypal because you will get an Error message.
Thanks again to Hip2Save!!
First go here to register and if you are already an account make another one with a different email.
Search for "Leash" and add to cart.
Then where it ask if you have a Promo Code type: PRESDAY
This should be your Total =
Don't try to pay with Paypal because you will get an Error message.
Thanks again to Hip2Save!!